Learn to cook. And, learn to do it well. Common excuses include: “It takes too long”, “It’s women’s work”, and “I hate doing dishes”. These are flawed perceptions so I suggest changing them. If we view time as money, then it is safe to say that if done properly you will expend fewer resources cooking…
Laundry detergent
MIX DETERGENT 1 C each: Borax, Oxiclean, and Washing Soda 1/2 C each: Baking Soda and Purex Crystals WASH Pre-Treat stains with water and Zote soap—let sit for ~10 minutes. Add 1/4 C detergent per load of laundry Rinse a bar of Zote soap like you are washing your hands until water gets a bit cloudy Add clothes Press and agitate…
The Politics of Food
We live in an age where most take it for granted, but the acquisition of food requires resources. The ability to maintain and control resources is the very definition of politics. The manner in which a society organizes it’s resources plays a large role in who gets what to eat.
Food Waste
We waste an insane amount of food. That’s a big deal.